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100% Australian & female owned

This Mothers' Day — We honour you


It's an unfortunate cultural truth that whilst pregnant bodies are celebrated, postpartum bodies are often hidden. As Mother’s Day nears, you’ll likely be inundated with perfectly manicured representations of motherhood. The reality is that whilst being beautiful, motherhood can be messy, intense and challenging. 

Collaborating with the incredible floral styling of Red Bud, fashion photographer Yan Martea and under the creative direction of Soul Studio, we decided to challenge this narrative by celebrating the beauty of postpartum bodies, honouring the unique stories they tell. 

We cast an all female set to create magic with seven incredible mums, all with their own journey to share. These women bravely bared it all to tell us their stories through their glorious postpartum bodies. There were laughs, nerves, and happy tears all around.

From the softness of the womb, the stretch marks, the scars, to the lumps and bumps; there are no flaws. Only a map of your unique story, the story of the life you created and continue to nurture every day. This is ‘Mums in Full Bloom’.

Meet Rose

“Despite a challenging birth and postpartum, I continue to admire my body.”

Rose become mum to Theo 5 months ago


Meet Nicole

“I want to celebrate my bigger body. It’s important for my daughter to see a mother who is proud of the softness, the curves, the stretch marks.”

Nicole became a mum to Anastasia 10 months ago


Meet Britt

“I had a 38 week pregnancy with hyperemesis gravidarum. I am a warrior.”

Britt became a mum to Hunter 2 weeks ago


Meet Toni

“I want to remember this stage of my life, to celebrate it and be proud, for me, my new baby girl and other mums.”

Toni became a mum to Poppy 9 weeks ago

Meet Lauren

“I want to embody vulnerability as a strength, so my daughter knows that it’s okay to lean into some fears that will grow you.”

Lauren became a mum to Stevie 3 weeks ago


Meet Abbey

“I suffer from chronic Crohn’s disease and had half of my bowels removed to fall pregnant. I want to start honouring my body and the amazing things it did.”

Abbey became a mum to Arthur 18 months ago


Meet Zoe

“I am honouring my positive, gentle pregnancy experience and the joy of a growing belly and surprise bub!”

Zoe will become a mum for the first time in a matter of weeks


A huge thank you to the team:
Creative Direction @heysoulstudio
Photography @martea_photo
Floral Styling @_redbud

And to the mums, who without, this would not have been possible, thank you:
@rkumz @britt_kaym @milkandblossom @toniwhite @dolly.mcculloch @nicolewiertlewski